After my last post from Congo, I explored Brazzaville, hopped a bus up to Ouesso, met some French folk, explored a logging camp and soon crossed the river back into Cameroon:
I often get the question "which country is your favorite?" from people interested in my travels. Usually it's a tough question to answer, since each country tends to offer its own unique blend of intrigue, beauty, deliciousness, annoyance, hardship and dullness. Within Central Africa, however, these three countries have left me with a clear favorite: Cameroon. Expense is the most obvious factor (Congo and especially Gabon are way more expensive), but here are some others:
They always look like this |
After six weeks on my own and making new friends, it was nice to get back to Douala to spend some time with some good old friends, Evan and Lisa. Staying here provides me with a taste of home and teacher life without all the hassle of flying back to the states and getting a job. Plus they have lots of maps to look at.
My motorcycle
Foumban kid testing out my gear |
Back across the border also meant I could get back to Douala to pick up the bike and get back on my own road, instead of dealing with the joys of public transportation (see the past two posts). Unfortunately, my own road isn't necessarily safer than the public route, and sometimes accidents can happen when other drivers don't keep an eye out for guys like me:
wah wah. They had it fixed for me within an hour, though! |
My shoe took the brunt of the damage. Amazingly, my foot (and the rest of my body) was fine |
Unlike in the states, the entire ordeal was dealt with on a personal level (police would likely have only complicated the matter) and I was back on the road within a couple hours of impact. Don't worry, the bike no longer belongs to me now that I'm back in Douala again.
Moto taxis
reflective vests help to identify in some places |
When moving around town and not wanting to ride my own bike, Cameroon has the convenient option of hopping on the back of someone else'e motorcycle to zip through traffic.
Being back to the network of Peace Corps Volunteers was also fun. Instead of showing up in a new town, finding a hotel and sitting at a bar waiting to find out what the town had to offer, I was supplied with a network of Americans who'd spent time getting to know the people and area in which they live, and some deep conversations about international development (not a strong suit of PC), personal growth, world news and life. Plus, free place to stay!
Steph, a PCV in Batouri, showing me the school that Lisa helped build during her PCV days in Lisoi, a tiny town en brusse |
Fish mamas
Om nom |
Everywhere you find bars, you find fish mamas. Pick out your fish, barter your price, choose your complement (manioc, plantains, rice, beignets or frites, generally) and she'll deliver it to you wherever you're sitting. Wonderful people.
Bar culture
Garoua's street bars (note the beans and puff puff...) |
Bars line the streets with tables and chairs laid out in front, filled with men and women lounging from dawn to dusk with big bottles of Castel, 33, Regab, N'gok or whatever the local brew might be. They usually only serve beer, so that's where the aforementioned fish mamas along with their friends the soya dudes and chicken mamas come in to fill the role to deliver their wares to your table at the bar. Kind of like taco trucks bringing your burritos directly to your booth at the bar next door. To be fair, this exists across Central Africa, but in Cameroon you don't need to spend your life savings (Gabon) or worry about getting tear gassed (Congo - that actually happened to us).
Beans and Puff Puff (Or haricots et beignets)
delicious. |
For 40 cents on the street, this meal is one of the highlights of coming back to Cameroon, along with spaghetti omlettes (60 cents as a sandwich).
After five weeks in the jungles of Gabon and Congo, I started to get the feeling that not only was it expensive, but it's also all rather similar. The natural environment was almost the same as southern Cameroon, except for a few pockets of savannah and plateau, and even the human environment didn't change too much from place to place, whereas Cameroon has over 250 different tribes ranging from jungle pygmies in the South and East to various fufulde-speaking desert tribes in the North and Extreme North to the Anglophones of the mountainous Southwest and Northwest and myriad other examples in between. It helps that Cameroon has over 20 million people, whereas Gabon and Congo-Brazzaville each have ~3 million. The concentration of different things to see in Cameroon, however, left me wishing I had another month or two of my trip to explore the reaches of the country that were missed on my first pass through.
huts in the desert of the North |
The Sultan of Foumban, his is one of the larger of 250+ tribes |
Although the human diversity doesn't change much place to place, I have been surprised at the diversity within any given place throughout all of Central Africa. It tends to be about the same mix in any village or city: The majority are Bantu (black Africans, generally speaking), who can be seen everywhere and generally function as the moto taxi drivers or restaurant mamas or farmers or unemployed people. Nearly every small shop is owned by Malians, Mauritanians, Chadians or other more northern Africans. Larger shops, boulangeries or businesses are owned by Lebanese, who fled this way after their own civil war way back when. They fill some niche somewhere in between the western/Japanese expats (oil workers, aid workers, diplomats), Chinese expats (construction workers/engineers, Chinese shop/restaurant owners) and the northern Africans.
diversity on display in northern Congo while we're stuck on the road. Left truck is broken down, Right truck fell over while trying to pass Left truck, blocking the road to all but motos. A crowd of locals with machetes ended up cutting a swath through the jungle to the left for our bus to pass by.
Chinese driver of Right truck is on the left (with friends, also in camo), French researcher/volunteer in center, Bantu all around, not pictured: Pygmie locals and crazy American tourist. |
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